We love puzzles and though some of them take a good amount of time to put everything together, it is something that I love to do with the children. The recent one we received from Ravensburger was quite different and when I was asked if we would like to try resolving the puzzle and though 1000 pieces slightly caused me go dizzy, I thought I should give it a try to see how DD1 takes it.
The Ravensburger What if Puzzle takes the kids along a story path. The box triggers your interest with a question and to find the answer to it, you need to resolve the 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. Sounds interesting?
When we opened it, we realised it is going to be very interesting but definitely not something that we could do in a day even if we all sit together. So we decided to do it on a a good size wooden board so we can leave the partially resolved puzzle on the floor to be continued the next day.
The interesting part about the What if Jigsaw is, you have to squeeze your brain to finish the puzzle as there is no reference picture given to you.. The one on the box is going to be different from the one you would resolve.
That’s actually the fun about What if Puzzle – You need to find out what happens to the story at the end and that is revealed to you only when you finish the Puzzle.
The story starts when Jim’s family buys a race horse and head to a race hoping they have bought the fastest horse in the whole world. Looks like they paid almost everything they had to buy the horse and it turns out to be a great surprise when the horse started running in the actual race…………
Do you want to know what that surprise is!? We are not breaking it! You need to finish the puzzle on your own to find out
Though it took about more than week for us to finish the puzzle, we have finally done it and we enjoyed it. And hope you sure will do.
There are different What if? Puzzles available on Ravensburger and you can see the range here. Recommended age is 12+ or and can be done by younger under adult supervision.
We would love to hear your thoughts about What if Puzzle. Have you tried one? Will you be trying one? please don’t forget to visit again to let us know what you think about What if if after you try one.