Weekend…….!? I know, as a Mum you are slightly panicking about how to keep the kids engaged, How messy the house would be, How many times you will have your pressure shooting up and testing the highest decibel of your voice. But for me, the Saturday Morning on 12th Oct was more peaceful, Lovely and […]
Colouring In Competition with The Pen Company Who wouldn’t want to mess up using colours!? So, here is the competition for children under 12 to win exciting prize for their whole class. So something to share with all their friends. For children aged 12 and under, there is a fun competition run by the The […]
The Lovely 2 weeks summer… now a dream again! ONCE It was a perfect time for Barbecue and we were one of the lucky people to be given a chance to tryout the moneysupermarket sponsored “#Thecharcoalchallenge” and motivated to enjoy the weather to the fullest. To start with, it was a real hot day and […]