You wouldn’t need any intro about Angry Birds, won’t you!? Infact, if you and/or your kids are movie lovers and crazy about Angry Birds, you must have already spent few hours of your term holidays watching “The Angry Birds” movie just like how we did! And do you know that the favourite yogurt of most families, […]
You must have read our recent post about the New Statoil Wonderlab Gallery opening at Science Museum and the competition hosted by Statoil to encourage the public to participate in a scavenger hunt to find the missing parts of the Wondroid robot. The moment I told the kids about the Scavenger hunt, they […]
Looking after an elderly is more challenging than the time you spend with the newborn and/or a hyperactive toddler. Either they won’t understand how much you care for them or they will just ignore you and do what they actually like to do and make you feel guilty most times if you aren’t giving them […]
Though I have loads to look back and smile at during the baby days of DD1, I value the siblings bond the most. It’s always been amazing watching them playing together, hugging each other, bonding well and ofcourse fighting often! (It’s something I really missed during my childhood days) DD1, though claims that her sister is […]
Have you heard of Dementia before? If not, In simple words, it is a memory loss and you forget things you remembered a few seconds ago. Feels scary and worried, isn’t it? The word Dementia includes various symptoms that may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language. Dementia is most common is elderly […]
Every child’s first teacherand the role model is the parents & a child, most times, just imitates the parents A child’s behaviour usually decides how comfortable they are in making friends. And you can generally categorise them in two big groups – Chatty and confident, Shy and Observant children. Learning how to make friends is […]
As a parent, you have a huge responsibility of not only to bring up the best children but before that, the importance of keeping them safe in all the situations while letting them explore the world. But, Always “It is better to be safe than Sorry” Bath time, Meal time, bed time, Play time everything […]