Every year, July turns out to be the busier month as I get the privilege to attend the Christmas in July events, where I preview everything that would hit the shop floor for Christmas – from food to decorative items and everything in between – Party food, wine, sweets and treats, Christmas essentials and not […]
As a blogger, I enjoy attending events. Considering I am a full time mom and most days are just spent indoors doing house chaos and fulfilling my responsibilities!, such events are a great place to socialise, and meet other fellow bloggers and people whom I work with. When you talk about socialising, there comes our […]
Movie night with Pizza is something we fancy all time at Mummy and the Cuties. Friday night is usually the one described above. We make our own Pizza during the school holidays, however, though it turns out always delicious, it never looked as good as the one you get from the restaurents until we learnt to […]
Arts and Crafts are the best rescuers for me during School holidays! The stationery rack was filled with colouring pens, crayons and pencils from different brands and most times, I found them lying on the floor without the lids, dried up so much that they just have to be thrown in the bin! Some of […]