It was a long time wait… Hmm.. (Kind of) Yes, Two weeks is really a long wait when it is something to do with Moshi Monsters. When I heard about Moshi Monsters Series 11 release, I knew I had to reserve a space for them at home. But before I got myself ready, there was a great news through mail asking if we would love to be a part of the Campaign to introduce them to the rest of the world. How could I say No!? I hardly took any time to Say Yes.
It was hard to keep Miss S under control and today is the day for her to proudly introduce the Ultra Rare Bonnie the Sassy Lassie
Personality: Feisty, fierce, fair.
Mini Bio
Say howdy doody to the whip-cracking Moshlings that love yeehah–ing their way around the world of Moshi. When they are not lassoing critters on Skedaddle Prairie or keeping the peace on wild frontiers, Sassy Lassies love singing rootin’ tootin’ songs and slamming shots of wobble-ade in the Sloppy Saloon.
Habitat: Go west and you might see a few Sassy Lassies cracking their whips on Pokeback Mountain.
Likes: Baked beans and wagon trails.
Dislikes: Shady Sheriffs and designer saddles
And here is something to get you on board with us. Can you find where Bonnie is hiding in this image?