A couple of weeks ago, there was an exciting invite to enter one of our favourite restaurant’s kitchen and the most interesting part is, I had been there all by my own leaving the kids with dad :).
It is actually the most favourite for DD1 but unfortunately, as we have to enter the kitchen, she couldn’t go so I have to keep it a secret to her until I finish the event!
As you know, McDonalds is one of the biggest, popular fast food chain and has millions of customers across the world, there is no surprise that we are one of them.
Considering the fact that My children are fed from McDonalds quite often when we are out and about, I was really keen to see how the food is prepared and ofcourse the hygiene.
Mike Smith, the franchisee for McDonalds Balham, who started working at the age of 16, quitting school to support his family and now managing nearly 12 McDonalds franchise is quite an inspiration.! His enthusiasm and passion in delivering the best to the customers has taken him to great heights!
I actually filled up a little survey before the event and there was a question – “How do you usually order at McDonalds!?” and my answer was simple – “Queue to order, place the order at the counter and wait to collect your order while keeping an eye on your children who may or may not be at where you have seated them!!!
Little did I know that I was in for a surprise at McDonalds, Balham. When I entered, I noticed something different near the tables and raised my eyebrows out of surprise – Yes, it was actually the Kiosk!
Oh!, So you don’t have to queue anymore at the counter to place your order and worry less about the confusions while ordering for a big group and ofcourse forget about language! Choose the food, select the zone you are seated and go for either the table service or collect!
Ordering at the Kiosk was quite simple and much easier than speaking to someone at the counter listening to your children who usually keeps changing their choices and often have 1000 questions about the toys in their Happy meal!
The menu choices were clear with Calorie information and it was even possible to order a burger without cheese and the fries without salt!
While I am at the Kiosk ordering food, though I can not avoid the children checking out on me if everything is OK, McDonalds has something interesting for them in store! The tablets with games loaded!
And, it was then the time for the most amazing adventure of the day, entering the mcDonalds Kitchen to make my own Big Mac. I don’t eat beef or ham just because, these were never a popular meat in the area I was brought up, but I don’t restrict my children.
The McDonalds Staff room and training room was loaded with information for the trainees to make them an expert in making the perfect burger. After being very nervous and excited, I finally managed to make my own Big Mac! Have a lovely video of the making which I will soon upload here.
I was quite impressed with the hygeine and the care given before touching anything in the kitchen. Everything is timed and there are strict rules around the kitchen which are never compromised. It definitely made me feel confident that I am not feeding my children something that I wouldn’t at home!
Finally, it was time to feed the hunger! Obviously, being in that kitchen had made me very hungry and I gobbled a wrap in no time. Being the new and popular dish, Singnature collection was enjoyed by other fellow bloggers and they definitely loved it!
Ofcourse, it was the table service and Yes, I am loving it! After all, there is no hassle of monitoring the children who would be running around while you are waiting to order/collect and you can enjoy your meal with the peace of mind that the children will either be with you all the time at the table or really bothering one of those tablets out there!
Here is the picture of the Signature collection, Hope you try it next time when you visit McDonalds.
These services are not available in all the stores yet but are likely to be introduced before this year end! So, watch out to explore the new technology and taste at McDonalds soon.