Little Miss M never says No to one Pose! And it is the best one that never goes wrong
Stressed, Sleepy, thinking, just relaxing, hungry… the list goes on…!!!! Everything is calmed down by one simple thing! She doesn’t need anyone’s support when she is enjoying “it”
A very funny conversation to prove how much she loves “it”
Media: Skype
Granny and the little one chatting, Gossiping, playing… and doing whatever entertains them. As it was late evening, Granny was tired and Yawning….
Little Miss M (Watching Granny Yawning…) immediately insists ” Go on Granny, ” Do it” You ARE sleepy…
Confused Granny asks the little one to repeat what she just said. The little one gets way too enthusiastic and tries to explain in actions… Granny interprets everything she could, BUT not what Miss M is actually insisting to do! After a bit of struggle and couldn’t understand a bit of it, Granny calls mummy for rescue. (Thank You!!!!, At last, Mummy does play an important role!).
Proud mummy, (THAT’S ME ) explains ” Granny!, You ARE sleepy, Go On….Suck your thumb,
Suck the thumb and if the other hand is free, comfort the Hair with it – Either her own or someone who she is clinging on to!
I know!, she will eventually get out of the habit but it is something that I love as she looks so cute when she does it and Yes, bit cheeky, a quicker way to calm her down when I get something done!
I have linked up this to #HilariousKidSayings @mummyandcuties