Getting pregnant is the easy bit (May be, for someone it isn’t and you start spending to get there..), the birth is difficult for half of the parents (It’s everything and everyday from the day you know that you are expecting and until the day you hold your priceless gift on your hand), but it’s after this that having a kid starts to get hard. Though Love and cuddles are given enormously to the child, they just aren’t enough to sustain a kid. You also need to feed them, buy them things to keep them happy (I am too often afraid to take the kids for weekly shopping! ) and make sure they are comfortable in anything and everything. And all of this translates into one simple symbol: “£”. Hold your breath and have a look at this infographic below.
Ouch… That’s a lot of money!!! It looks like it’s time to prepare. If you’re thinking about having kids and you live in less than affluent circumstances, I’d suggest saving. As well as saving, it’s a good idea to go budget. There’s no shame in shopping in a pound shop or buying second hand goods online… It makes sense. Even if not all, Most of the goods in Pound shop are cheaper than other supermarkets and you can grab a deal. You save quite a good amount of money and a lot of what you buy there are quality items. Use the infographic to help you and start thinking how and where you can save money. Kids are wonderful and they make your life more meaningful; just make sure you can afford them.
How much does it cost to raise a kid? is an infographic that was produced by Gumtree
Disclaimer: This post was brought to you by Gumtree