A few months before, I have reviewed Braun ST780 Satin-Hair 7 SensoCare Hair Styler. This is one of the most effective stylers I have ever used and still doing its best and reducing my number of visits to the stylist. Having an advanced Styler tempts me most times to keep trying new hairstyles on my straight, thin, medium height hair.
Though I love to have a straight hair, Sometimes, for a change, a different hairstyle would be nice. Thanks to Peter Beckett, Braun’s UK Style Director and renowned stylist who created some how-to videos using the Braun SensoCare Styler. The steps explained in the video are so easy to follow and helped me to try out a new hairstyle and hope it looks good on me.
Before styling your hair, the few points you should always remember:
- Your hair is not too dry or too wet. A little Moisture will help the style to set on the hair easily
- Work on portions of the hair and is evenly distributed, so it is easy for you to ensure you are doing it in the right way.
Braun Sensocare Styler works on automatic temperature adaption technique and continuously adapts temperature from root to tip for an ultimate heat protection. You can also enter the nature of the hair in the profile with the details of the length, thickness, coloured or Not to tailor your style.
The Easy five steps to get the beach waves:
Step 1: Blow dry your hair or leave it to dry naturally. (Make sure it retains a little moisture and not dried to the extreme)
Step 2: Split the hair into two even sections. I have done 4 as I found it slightly easier to have control and it worked well.
Step 3: Take a section, brush it evenly and Loosely run stylers back and forth over hair. Repeat process for the rest of the sections on one side if you had 2 splits on each side.
Step 4: Now, take the whole section on one side, Twist the hair and press the styler over the twist in sections until you reach the tip of the hair. Give a gentle pressure so it helps the twist on the hair to settle.
Step 5: Then, Coil the twist into a bun at your ear and secure with pins and allow it to cool. Once cool, release the buns and shake the hair loose. Loosen the style using your fingers. You can use a hair spray to settle it.
Here is the video from the Stylist Peter Beckett:
And if you are off to a party, Here is the Paris Chic hairstyle
Braun Sensocare Styler is available from all the major retailers and priced at an average price of £89.99.