Every year, July turns out to be the busier month as I get the privilege to attend the Christmas in July events, where I preview everything that would hit the shop floor for Christmas – from food to decorative items and everything in between – Party food, wine, sweets and treats, Christmas essentials and not to forget about the gifts range!
Being a Super-savvy mom, I definitely take time to see what is in offer by top supermarkets and one of them would obviously be Lidl!, a supermarket that promises to be Big on Quality, Lidl on Price!
There was lot to offer – Christmas treats, food, flowers, gifts !!!!! Lidl has hardly missed anything that it could offer to it’s customers at a very affordable range, yet not compromising the quality!
I, unconsciously get carried away if I tend to see fudges and yes, there they are…. the Honeycomb fudges! … I was dribbling even when writing this… just seeing the picture!
The Favourina Santa box is something I loved…
If you fancy truffles, then there is definitely something to consider!!!!
and there were more treats so you can fill up the stockings unless you are too worried about sweet tooth!
How can you just move away without noticing the Christmas party food range!?…., So attractively displayed, this was definitely mouth watering!
I couldn’t resist tasting some of the delicious Christmas Puddings! The 24 months aged pudding was something that got every eye on it!
Not to forget the Christmas cakes, there were some beautifully decorated Christmas cakes! The hand decorated Christmas cake was my fav!
There were some great food and wine ranges and you can see the full range by visiting the Lidl Christmas range here.
Will Christmas be complete without flowers and gifts!? Yes, Lidl has covered these too at a very affordable cost.
And, I loved the way Lidl cared for the pets too!!!! Those Cat and Dog Christmas stockings were rather very attractive
Do you have a Christmas wishlist!? Would you consider Lidl for Christmas shopping? We would love to hear your thoughts.