Do you know that most of the gigantic, powerful, dangerous and scariest Dinosaurs are Herbivores!
The plants have almost everything we need to boost our energy and Flora is just #PoweredByPlants
On a Wednesday Morning, I headed to London for some yummy breakfast at Grain Store with Flora to learn about the ingredients and the new product. We use Flora Oil and Flora Original everyday and I think that’s more than enough to justify why I was looking forward to the event.
Why Flora!?
Hubby is on diet and DD1 needs to control the weight as she is slightly over the BMI. She needs to maintain a healthy weight and keep herself fit she trains in Badminton. So butter is not an option for us but to balance the nutrients, I need to substitute something that is equivalently good as Butter – So, Flora is our choice.
Flora is made of simple ingredients, which can be found in household cupboards. Each tub contains plant oils, such as sunflower, rapeseed and linseed oils. lower in saturated fats rich in healthy Omega 3 and 6, I believe Flora would be the best choice.
The discussion started with a very interesting video of asking children about where different food they consume comes from and there were hilarious responses! Few of them think Pasta comes from animal just like how my little one thinks milk always comes from Mummy!
Forget about children knowing where the food comes from; first of all it is a struggle in many families to make children eat veggies. My little one is absolutely fine with fruits and Veggies but DD1 has to be bribed or threatened for every portion of veggie and there are days I get bored and just gave up.
Flora wants to address this with some interesting activities to get the children involved and to help them understand the power of plants and benefits of Plant based diet.
The campaign begins with a dinosaur made entirely from plants the Florasaurus which will be touring around the UK to highlight the amazing power of plants and the simple plant based ingredients that go into Flora. It has also come up with an interesting TV advertisement.
After the talk, we had some fun in making our own spread with simple ingredients and the recipe is really easy to follow and it sure tasted better. Here is the recipe card for you try at home. It takes less than 10 minutes and can be used within 24 hours. I highly recommend you to try it and I am sure you will love it.
Flora has come up with their new dairy free product named – Flora Freedom.
Flora Freedom is a 100% dairy free product, which is free of preservatives, artificial colours and flavours, and like the rest of the Flora range is approved by The Vegetarian Society.
By consuming plant based diets, We are not only helping us but also helping the planet.
There is plenty of veggies out there and we use only a fraction of it. We don’t have to become vegetarians but let’s use veggies where ever we can and encourage our children to go for plant based diet.
I am a member of the Mumsnet Bloggers Network Research Panel, a group of parent bloggers who have volunteered to review products, services, events and brands for Mumsnet. I have not paid for the product or to attend an event. I have editorial control and retain full editorial integrity. I have a received a voucher as payment for this post.