YUU Bag – If you have school aged children at home, You would have never missed that advertisement and might have a few requests (I didn’t want to be transparent admitting it would actually be an order) to have them on board before you go on a holiday or for the new term at school….
How many times you have heard those “Oh… How Lovely! I want it!!!!” or ” Please, Can I have it Mama!!!????”…. And you were so tempted to buy it, yet, delayed the decision of buying an YUU bag just because you weren’t sure if it is worth it!?
So what is still stopping you from buying the incredible YUU bag…..!?
” May be the pretty colour choices and the coolest designs on the YUU bag…. And you are worried that you would end up buying more than one!?”
The super cool whistle that might wake you up early on a Sunday morning when you badly wanted to have a lie down… But, the more excited and extremely happy child found a new way of calling her mum to make some breakfast for her….”
“Are you slightly concerned that the evening after school would be quiet at home without those usual noises and arguments, but only filled with drawing, playing and exploring the YUU bag activities….
Well… Don’t worry. May be it is time for you…..
– To relax before and on your holidays as the YUU bag guarantees to encourage the child to pack her own stuff for the holidays (Mind that little child though.. She may empty her room and try to stuff everything in her very own YUU bag)…
– Free your hands from loading yourself with too many bags, but just your hand and to enjoy that stylish, carefree walk…. As the child wouldn’t want you to carry her YUU bag… – Believe me… I have the free hands on the school run nowadays…
– To thank the lovely people behind YUU for giving you peaceful car journeys and giving you enough time to discuss anything and everything with your partner while the children are engaged with the loads of activities that comes with YUU bag ….
Things you can just forget to worry about and Tasks you can avoid while having YUU Bag…
– Don’t desperately look for a pen and pad – The YUU bag has it all… It can be used as a desk on travel ....with the Desk card Insert
– Don’t look for toys and games… Instead, spend that time to perfect your makeup – YUU bag comes with a Snakes and Ladders board to keep the children engaged….
– Forget those twists and bends you take to reach those crazy corners, searching for the missing coins in the car… Not any more with YUU bag (well, we missed a magical word in the last statement), The “Magnetic Snakes and ladders” board will keep the coins in place even on an emergency breke when you miss that pedestrian crossing (Happened to me today…)
There is also a matching lunch bag that your children will never misplace.
So, Most importantly, You can give a break to those “Where is your lunch bag!?” screams (Well, I would have screamed with a different tone and a few extra words…. All silent, though! Said to myself…. As a mum, you know, how crazy are those Morning school runs some (most) days.)
The Most important note, I should never miss to mention in this review is ” Why YUU bag is extra special”
– We all love our children and for us, they are everything and we do everything for their good health. YUU thought the same and designed the bags with so much care and love that it’s so gentle to the growing Spine. DD1 happily carries the YUU Bag everyday to school. Honestly, when you first see it, you are surely in for a surprise ” Wow… That’s huge”. But believe me. It is just what they need for school, holidays and you name it.
The one thing we wanted to have in the YUU bag was – “The Wheels”. Yes… If you wonder why it is “Was”.. , then Yes, it “Was”… YUU World is already on its way to introduce a new travel bag with Wheels and some more exciting features well before christmas… So, Watch this space to see the different look. – YUUpuul will be on sale for pre-order from first week of November and will be ready for delivery around the 15th November. . And for a limited period – it also comes with a FREE waterbottle, FREE YUUcards in a tin, and a FREE pack of the new YUUspy invisible ink pens!
And, I should mention it here, The outside Zip gets stuck sometimes that DD has to be a bit more careful about it. The Zip and the runner are definitely of a great quality, but the stitching (liner) outside is being a trouble as it is too stiff.
Here is a small video to bring you the unique features of YUU Bag.
Well, As you have reached the end of the review ….. the Cuties @ Mummy and the Cuties strongly believe, they have now justified and convinced you on ” Why you should go ahead and get a YUU bag for your beloved son or daughter or may be both!?”
Please do come back and leave a comment about how your little ones enjoyed their very own YUU bag.
Disclaimer: The bags were sent tome free of charge in return for a honest review. All the opinions expressed in the review are my own.