Last weekend, I had few hours to tidy up the photos from our last year’s Visit to Chessington World of adventures and Singapore holidays. The kids were happily browsing through the photos and having a laugh! Some of them definitely were from the Chessington Zoo and Safari at Singapore Zoo.
The kids were fiercely looking at the pictures of the Lion and the Tiger and there started a bit of chat!
Big Sister: Mridu….. Let me teach you something today! What do you think is the difference between a Lion and us!
(Overhearing the chat, I was a lot curious to know what happens next and the little one’s response to it!) So, the eyes on cooking and ears and mind on the chat… I carried on listening!)
Little sister: Hmm…. Hmm.. Hmm…. Lion has hair on the face and We have hair on the head!
Me (in Mind): Not bad! accepted anyways and I was really happy about her observations!
Big Sister: Welldone! Next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Again in Mind!: Next…. isn’t too much to ask for!?
Actually, We never know about the kids until we hear a hilarious answer from them!!!!!!
Little one: hmm…. The lion eats us! But we can’t eat a lion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: This time not in Mind! I was really excited and screamed! —- Good answer darling!!!! ( I know, it is from one of the bed time stories I read to her and I was too happy that she remembers them! You should never underestimate a 3 year old who is just grabbing everything from what she sees and listens!)
Big Sister: OK!!!!!!!! (was a bit jealous that mummy appreciated her! )…. Next!!!!!!!! This time with a different TONE!
Little one just got diverted and moved away!!!! For few minutes I thought she is just avoiding the question!!!!!!!!!!!But……….Not really!
She again went and had a good look at the picture of the lion and said immediately!!!!!!!!!!
” The lion’s mummy doesn’t ask it to put on HER clothes! But my mummy always asks me to wear something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I wish it is summer soon!”
Mummy: Speechless!
Told you!!!!! ????? Never underestimate a 3 years old!
I have linked up this to #HilariousKidSayings @mummyandcuties