Whether you are a SAHM or a working mum, the one thing you will find never ending is “House cleaning”. There will always be something to be done at home and to add to it, if you like to socialise a lot, then you are always under pressure to keep our house tidy and clean.
After a massive plastering and painting work at home, it was just impossible for me to even think about cleaning the house on my own. I was stressed enough seeing a dusty and untidy house and when it was time to clean, I just didn’t know where to start and how to end. Hiring a cleaning company seemed to be a much better idea rather than stressing myself doing everything on my own.
Though I know a few private domestic workers through my friends, I preferred to go for a cleaning company for two main reasons,
They have trained and trusted workers who have cleared all the security measures.
The cleaning will be at it’s best without me monitoring the work.
It’s just not the one-off cleaning, domestic cleaning company offers several other services including weekly cleaning, laundry, ironing and de-cluttering your home. I hired the service for just one-off cleaning and I am sure de-cluttering will help me eliminate bags of unused items, giving space for new, necessary things to get home.
Having a regular cleaning service helps you maintain the home clean and tidy, thus finding you sometime to enjoy with family rather than thinking about cleaning the house.
I was amazed to know how much a cleaning company can offer you at a very affordable price. Ofcourse, you might know that they provide window and carpet cleaning/shampooing services, bathroom cleaning but they can also wax all the hardwood floors and deep clean the bath tub applying a fresh coat of paint to it.
Hiring a worker from a trusted cleaning company means, you can have peace of mind that the work done will be the best and the home is in safe hands even when you are not around to monitor the worker.
Seeing service from the cleaning company, I realised it is not only for working mums but also a great relief for SAHM. I couldn’t even imagine cleaning the entire house in just one day. But paying a little money to the cleaning service helped me to enjoy the evening with the family in a clean house and everything was just done in a day, it’s become the “Home , Sweet Home” again.