While casually browsing, I hit a chance to read the article about School holidays from Express.

Image from Express
The main point of focus was to let the State schools set their own term times, meaning many may choose to end the traditional six-week break.
There are many pros and cons in it!
Holiday price will be cheaper! – Provided all of your children are in the same school and if they are in differnet schools, what if the holidays are different for each? No family holidays then – Everyone goes on their own while having holidays declared in their own school!!!! So Cheaper holiday Price or No family holidays.
Avoid the lengthy queues in theme parks and adventures – But if the holidays are different from different schools and your kids end up in different schools (Primary and Secondary), You may have to queue multiple times in a year!
Easy to get holidays at work as not many applying at the sametime – It may be easier to apply for holidays at work for parents as there are not many applying at the same time, so there is a chance of everyone going on a happy holiday rather than one parent taking the kids to holidays and try to stay sane! But the parents who are teachers at school would be in a great trouble if their kids study in a different school.
- If the kids are different school we will end up having few kids in the family always on unauthorized holidays :(,
- The kids from family and friends would be visiting less often as they are set for different holday terms!
While Independent school have extended holidays, most of them overlap for majority of the days with the holidays set for state schools!
Whats your say on it !? Do you prefer your school having its own term holidays!?