Well! We may all need to admit technology has taken over us and life without Tech seems empty most of the times – may be all the times. Where ever I go I have a Tech device with me; atleast my iPhone and I need to admit, Several times it is been used by my children including my 19 months old little one.
DD is so obsessed with Laptop, If not laptop then it is the iPhone and not to forget …. if it is not the iPhone, then it is the TV. Sometimes, To make her sit half an hour for the home work, I need to Bribe her with the permission to access any of the above for the same amount of time she was asked to spend on her home work and reading.
If there is a voting for Technology Over life, I wouldn’t even spend time to read the other options but only “Yes, Indeed, I can not imagine a life without my Hi-Tech devices”
AND – definitely, My iPhone and Laptop are used by my children and I make sure I always supervise them when they are with it. May be, I have a little worry about my 19 months old but I am extremely careful when it comes to my 7 Year old DD. All my devices are password protected, Not only to make it safe in the event of theft or when it go missing, BUT also to make my little one’s days safer from accessing the contents she doesn’t have to. When I noticed that She could go and search what she wants On youtube and Google, I made a separate account for her making sure it is registered as Under 16. Other than Playing games on the devices, She mostly use them for educational purpose, So I couldn’t stop her from using them.
But, I need to admit, I am a Mum for two and sometimes have to take my Eyes off the 7 Year old and pay my attention to my 19 months old. Every moment of that period goes as a big thunder wave and I always wished for something better than my own devices that could leave DD in safe hands.
And thanks to the researchers – one recent study of Office of Fair Trading investigation into ‘in-app purchasing’ lead the LeapFrog team to research on child safety devices and revealed that 6 in 10 parents give their children adult devices to play with.
Almost half (43 per cent) of respondents say they recognise the educational value of technology in children’s lives, but with children often just a click away from chargeable or inappropriate content, more than a quarter of those parents (26 per cent) admit they do not always have the time to supervise their child when using their technology and will not always be in the same room as they play with devices. The research includes key stats including the number of children aware of passwords on their parents devices.
I Do remember, last week while I was accessing my Twitter, DD just peeped in to ask ” What is your password mama”. May be she though mum is deep into twitter and just reveal the password by accident. BUT I am a MUM… She will know the value of it when she grows older I know, Just like How I did.
So, What’s the solution to all these problems that parents are facing in this modern life!?
There is someone to rescue us. Leap frog has come up with LeapPad Ultra, the ultimate learning tablet for kids. It is also available in Pink to make it more attractive to girls.
Leapfrog is definitely a very familiar name amongst parents for its excellent education toys that are also proved for their safety.
LeapFrog’s newest device, LeapPad Ultra, is the ultimate learning tablet for kids and the ideal solution for those parents worried about their child’s use of tech devices and online accessibility. The perfect combination of learning and fun, this Wi-Fi connected tablet boasts more than 500 interactive educational games, creativity apps, eBooks, videos, music and more, all designed or approved by LeapFrog’s highly experienced team of learning experts. It also features a kid-safe web content experience, LeapSearch™, created in partnership with Zui™, a leading children’s browser developer. LeapSearch is kid-ready out of the box and delivers an experience that parents can trust.
Unique to LeapPad Ultra, a seven-inch high-resolution screen is designed to help children learn to write using a stylus while supporting interactive touch experiences. LeapPad Ultra also features a sleek new look, a long-lasting rechargeable battery, and front and back cameras and video recorders plus 8 GB of storage for photos, apps, videos and more.
LeapPad Ultra is already available in all major toy stores nationwide and it is time for us to invest in such educational toys to ease us from worrying about content access by our children and our heart breaking data usage bills.