We love Fairies. And when they become special as Flying and Dancing Fairies, there is no limit to the excitement and fun at home.
Recently, Mummy and the Cuties have been sent a Sky Dancers from Character Online for review and we couldn’t wait to see how exciting it would be!?
So Who are these Sky Dancers and Why are they so Special!?
If you just look back and dig your head in Wikipedia about Sky Dancers, it reveals loads of interesting facts about them. They were once popular in 1990’s and then have been surprisingly recalled because of the safety issues raised about the Wings! But then again became popular in 15 Years time and was super powered toys in 2005 and Now they have a GREAT COME BACK WITH MORE SAFETY MEASURES for the little hands
They are the Beautifully constructed Dolls and Known for their Foam wings and comes with the Pull-String Base. And they fly up to 3 meters high gracefully when they are launched.
There are 4 to collect Jade, Camille, Angelica and Jasminie, So you can choose your Sky Dancer or May be Collect them all and make Mummy Busy. We have been sent Camille.
They definitely Look like the fairies from 90’s. At first we find it hard to launch her gracefully and she had few (Actually, many) falls. Then slowly the practice made us better and we have learnt to atleast launch her correctly and now we are experts in launching her perfectly and making her fly gracefully. So, If you face few unsuccessful attempts, don’t give up. She definitely is very co-operative and flies beautifully as you would expect.
I was bit worried about the Wings whether they would hurt the little hands if not launched properly. But they are made of foam, so I was a happy mum to let DD1 have quality time with her Sky Dancer.
They are aimed at children aged 5+. DD 2 also enjoyed seeing the fairy flying however I didn’t let her have a go, first because she wouldn’t be able to and second thing DD 1 would never let her to because she does not want DD2 to break the String
The String has a butterfly tag that is easy to hold and pull and helps the little hands to feel more comfortable. Here we are in Action.
With only less than 15£, Sky Dancers would definitely bring a Big Smile to your Little one’s face and would be a perfect Birthday gift to make her more excited. You can buy them from Character-online and they are priced at £14.99