With the typical British summer, though I fancy growing our own vegetables in our tiny garden, I somehow manage to find ways not to set my foot in the garden, mainly two reasons
- Our Kitchen extension has taken a quite a good amount of garden space
- Hubby’s Hay fever allergy has forced to have the artificial grass (I hate it and it was one of the many compromises I had to make), so all I am left with are some little pots to grow my own veggies!
Any reason that forces me to get to the garden and help kids to have some time away from gadgets is always super welcomed by me, so I grabbed the opportunity when BritMums invited us to take part in “Kids Grow Wild Challenge” with MoneySuperMarket.
I was sent 3 packs of seeds to grow and a kids garden tools set to encourage them to spend time outside and I couldn’t wait to see their excitement.
I decided to keep it a surprise till the weekend mainly to have some peace during school days, however the weather was so good that evening that I decided to reveal the surprise and get them to the garden to have some messy fun. After all, it would be a good reason to make use of the weather.
Potting time:
Now it is time to get the pots ready, however the top most priority was to stop the fight between the sisters for the spade and the watering can, and of course the gloves as well.
Can you see how the little one is eyeing on things held by the Big Sis?
While getting the soil ready, we enjoyed finding little insects and earthworms and had some curious, interesting talks about them…. DD2 was an active participant and got herself busy on catching the bugs and insects that seemed moving, and of course no gardening and messy play ends without tasting a little bit of the object in focus, so, some soil was tasted sneakily
(that tightly closed little mouth was filled with soil at the time of taking pictures!)
Seeding time..
we tarted with Polly pansy and carefully read the instructions, be mindful that all this instruction handling was strictly my task!
The seeds looked prettier on the little hands and was told they are super cool! Now the seeds were put in the soil, covered them with a thin layer of soil on top, then we sparingly watered, taking utter care that they aren’t drowned.
We then planted some pretty flower family and some sunflower seeds hoping they won’t be fed by the slugs and snails wont eat them, so we put some egg shells and copper tapes around the pot to protect them from those little crawlers! We showed some grace on a chilly plant that deserved a slightly bigger pot for quite a while and this also proudly joined the little gardeners pretty garden show.
Labelling time
We labelled everything so we know what they are when they start budding! We have entered a bit late into the trial and hope for the sun to shine and flowers grow healthy.
We spent nearly couple of hours in the garden and it was absolutely fantastic experience and I was one happy mom to see the kids playing outside soaking the sunshine and not thinking about gadgets, except for me taking pictures of the lovely moments.
Do you involve your kids to help you with gardening?
Do you encourage messy play?