I am yet to meet a person who never had dreams!!!! Dreams as in the one you get while sleeping (where you have been the “all in one star” doing screenplay, story, editing etc except for publishing!) though I would also love to talk about the goals you love to achieve which is often addressed as “Dream high”
My children have dreams, hubby definitely has quite a lot! and yes, my grandparents and parents too! Infact, I believe everyone has dreams and we often wish for the dreams to come true (as far as they are really good, there is no harm)
I often dreamt of being a supergirl who always go on a rescue mission and save thousands!!! I think it is because I have always been a huge fan of superman and wondering why it should always be men who are super and not women? I have rescued people from train ( I know it is the impact of watching spiderman countless times while I was pregnant with my first cutie!), flight, fire and almost everywhere and from everything including sea (though in real world, I know only a little swimming to rescue myself from the lagoon pool)
There were few funny dreams in the family too that we often bring in our chat and laugh about. My grandparents are farmers and we have often seen our granny getting work from other people during her dream! :), She is usually very soft spoken and often found very kind to others so we found it hilarious when she is commanding people during her sleep!
It’s often proved that the dreams are usually the effects of how your day had been and mostly relate to the sleeping pattern, position and the mindset you are in when you go to bed. I usually dream towards dawn and often woke up to check the time which most times turns to be somewhere between 3 – 5 am! And, as far as I could remember, I had falling dreams when I sleep in the upper deck of a ship or a train!!!!
Uncomfortable sleeping postures and disturbed mind could trigger bad dreams and as you get older, the flexibility of your body diminishes slowly, so it’s recommended to have a proper bedding for a good night sleep. Dad loves to fall asleep in his reclining chair. He finds it very comfortable than sleeping in a bed while having a nap! You must have read about my recent post on Malnutrition and “NourishYourMuscles” and the importance of nutrition for elderly. I am sure, you would agree that sleep is another important factor to maintain good health, especially when you are getting older. A quick half an hour nap helps the body to regain and restore some energy to keep you moving.
I found some fantastic range of adjustable bed and reclining chairs at Adjustable beds and highly recommend them if you are looking to purchase some bedding for elderly. The orthopaedic adjustable beds for the elderly are guaranteed to offer help relieve pain from a variety of aches, pains and medical conditions and the memory foam pocket sprung adjustable bed mattresses help boost blood circulation by relieving joint and muscle pain as you have a relaxing night’s sleep.
Do dreams come true!? – I say yes, When you dream high and work hard towards your dream
Do you dream? Had any weird dreams!? Had any Scariest dreams? Funny dreams!? Do you have any favourite dream? Do you by any chance have a dream that often repeats?!
I would love to hear from you.
e-meet you in the next post, Take care..
Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.